by William Brownsberger The recent report of the Commonwealth’s Climate Chief does an important service by raising the issue of…
Industry experts, shared by HousingAndClimateDecember 12, 2023
By: Sabrina Shankman, Globe Staff Mayor Wu pulls back from state’s pilot program to ban fossil fuels in new construction;…
Industry experts, shared by HousingAndClimateNovember 14, 2023
By Bob Raymer, the California Building Industry Association's technical director/senior engineer, also formerly chaired three CA'n code advisory committees (Green…
Industry experts, shared by HousingAndClimateOctober 31, 2023
By Daegan Miller, originally published on September 26, 2023 on They call it “Paper House”: a modular, 500-square-foot, high-performance,…
housingandclimate.orgOctober 9, 2023
Our goal is to balance housing affordability with climate policy. is dedicated to simultaneously meeting the challenge of housing affordability and reducing climate change to produce a win-win for home buyers and the environment. This is a complex and far-reaching challenge that requires thought leadership and cooperation from all constituencies — and becomes more achievable through collaboration and sharing ideas. We want to hear from you and invite your thoughts on housing AND climate!